EP15 - 當我地成為化學物嘅一部分



by 梓明、Kimberly


[1] Murphy, Michelle. 2006. “Introduction,” In Sick Building Syndrome and the Problem of Uncertainty: Environmental Politics, Technoscience, and Women Workersm, pp.1-18. Duke University Press.

[2] Murphy, Michelle. 2008. “Chemical Regimes of Living,” Environmental History, 13(4), pp. 695-703.

[3] Murphy, Michelle. 2017. “Alterlife and Decolonial Chemical Relations,” Cultural Anthropology, 32(4), pp. 494-503.



Murphy (2017:501) writes,

“Breathe in. With each inhalation, the extensive relations of finance capital are pulled into your lungs, passing through membranes, attaching to receptors, rearranging metabolism, altering gene expression.

Breathe out. With each exhalation, you are reconnecting to thegreater fulsomeness of our relations. Breathe in, feel the fragility of white privileged life for the few around you. Breathe out.”