Recent and upcoming
2025, March 18-20. Parametric variations in discontinuous predicates in Sinitic languages. TEAL 14. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
2025, March 18-20. Surface and deep anaphora in sluicing and stripping: Symmetries and asymmetries in Mongolian and Uyghur. TEAL 14. [with Xue Bai]
2024,December 13-14. A conjunction approach to phrasal wh-doublets in Cantonese. Yue 28. [with Oscar Hok-Yuen Wong] [slides]
2024,December 13-14. The dual status of the demonstrative gam2 in Cantonese. Yue 28. [slides]
2024,December 8. Do so without do: Vebral anaphora in Mandarin. ARF-LSHK 2024. [with Siyu Wei]
2024,December 8. A derivational view on verbal suffixes in Chinese. ARF-LSHK 2024. [slides]
2024, November 23-24. 「噉」還不是句末助詞? 第五屆現代漢語句末助詞研討會。[slides]
2024, November 16-17. Predication in disguise: which-constructions in Hong Kong Cantonese code-mixing speech. IWSPM-2024. [slides]
2024, July 6. Phrasal wh-doublets in Cantonese. WOC-24. [with Oscar Hok-Yuen Wong] [slides]
2024, July 6. 「廣東話達人挑戰」的公共數碼人文學反思. WOC-24. [with Yip Po Lai, Mei-ying Ki, Chaak-ming Lau, Kam-Pang Wong, Oscar Hok-Yuen Wong, Ka-Fai Yip] [slides]
So what? – on the nature of gam2 in Cantonese 噉即係點?——粵語「噉」字性質再探. Invited talk at FoCaL-7. [slides]
‘Sloppy’ Identity Reading and Sluicing-like Constructions in Mandarin, Uyghur and Mongolian. International Symposium on Silk Road Linguistics. [with Xue Bai] [slides]
線上問答遊戲「廣東話達人挑戰」:遊戲化科普與眾包式數據收集. DADH 14. [with Yip Po Lai, Mei-ying Ki, Chaak-ming Lau, Kam-Pang Wong, Oscar Hok-Yuen Wong, Ka-Fai Yip]
What’s Borrowed, and What’s Not: Revisiting the Which-Construction in Hong Kong Cantonese. Yue 27. [slides]
The distribution and interpretation of the free choice item sidaan in Cantonese. LSHK-ARF 2023. [with Sze Ching Tsang]
Chain Faithfulness: Restricting Partial Copy Deletion on discontinuous constituents. Syntax near NYU. [with Ka-Fai Yip] [poster]
A structural account on the non-uniform information structure in right dislocation. SICOGG 25. [poster]
An emerging type of relative clauses in Cantonese. WOC-23. [slides]
VP ellipsis in disguise: uncovering VP ellipsis in Japanese. Osaka University. Invited.
The division of labor in Japanese clausal and predicate ellipsis. TEAL-13. [slides]
Stay alone, move together: deriving embedded reduced questions in Chakhar Mongolian. TEAL-13. [poster]
Separable words in Cantonese and their implications on movement theories [delivered in Mandarin]. Yufa Salon, Fudan University. [slides]
A structural account on the non-uniform information structure of right dislocation. LSHK-ARF 2022. [slides]
Last but not least: Right dislocation in Mongolian. WAFL 16. [slides]
Focus Intervention Effects of verb movement in Cantonese. NACCL 34. [slides]
Linearizing syntactic movement: when Economy compromises. CityU Research Forum. [slides] [Video link]
No tense: a bi-contextual evaluation approach to temporal reference. GLOW in Asia XIII. [with Roumyana Pancheva, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta] [slides]
Revisiting the tense semantics in perfective suffixes in Cantonese. WOC 22. [with Roumyana Pancheva, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta]
Genuinely tenseless: encoding time in Cantonese. SALT 32. [with Roumyana Pancheva, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta]
「廣東話達人挑戰」四「萬」八方嘅回應——大眾對粵語語言學嘅認知. FoCaL-5. [with 黎奕葆、陳啟禮、祁美瑩、劉擇明、黃錦鵬、黃學轅、葉家煇]
Processing discontinuous predicate in Cantonese. FoCaL-5. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan, Carmen Tang]
Processing discontinuous predicate in Cantonese. WICL 6. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan, Carmen Tang]
Separable verbs as partial deletion in Cantonese. IACL 28. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan]
Licensing VP movement and ellipsis in Mandarin and Cantonese. WCCFL 40. [with Victor Junnan Pan]
Genuinely tenseless: encoding time in Cantonese. PLC 46. [with Roumyana Pancheva, Maria Luisa Zubizarreta]
ATB-movement and Parasitic Gaps: from the perspective of head movement. PLC 46.
Partial deletion at word-level: discontinuous predicates in Cantonese. BCGL-14. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan]
Head dependencies across coordination and subordination. LSHK-ARF.
Hyperraising, evidentiality, and phase deactivation. WFL 13. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Licensing VP movement and ellipsis in Mandarin and Cantonese. NACCL 33. [with Victor Junnan Pan]
Separable verbs as partial deletion in Cantonese. NACCL 33. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan]
Discontinuous predicates in Cantonese as partial deletion. USC Syntax+/ UCLA SynSem.
Licensing VP movement in Mandarin and Cantonese. UConn LingLunch.
Modality in the nominal domain: expressing ignorance in indefinites. Yale Semantics Reading Group.
Deriving separable verbs in Cantonese. BEAL 4. Online. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan]
Verbal “infixation” as partial deletion: a case in Cantonese verbs. PLC 45. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan]
Separable verbs, syllable deletion, and micro-variations. phex 11. [with Ka-Fai Yip, Sheila Shu-Laam Chan]
Licensing VP movement and ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese. SCAMS 2020-2021.
Movement of quantificational heads. SMircle, Stanford University (online). Invited.
Specific unknowns: a case study of epistemic indefinites in Cantonese. LSA 2021.
Indirect evidence as a licensing condition of hyperraising in Cantonese and Vietnamese. BCGL 13. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Movement of quantificational heads. NELS 51.
Strength in deontic modals as acceptability and optimality. NACCL-32.
Generalized Scope Economy. NACCL 32. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Hyperraising and evidentiality. SICOGG 22. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Generalized Scope Economy. SICOGG 22. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Syllable deletion and morphological length in Cantonese verbs, at FoCaL-3.
Cantonese classifiers at the syntax-semantics interface, at WOC-20.
M-zi ‘not-know’ in Cantonese as an epistemic marker, at WICL 5.
Zero-coded passives in Cantonese, at WICL 5. [with Sheila Shu-Laam Chan and Ka-Fai Yip]
Verb doubling and Cyclic Linearization, at WCCFL 38.
Raising, phase unlocked. WCCFL-38, UBC. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
M-zi ‘not-know’ in Cantonese as an epistemic marker. ARF 2019.
Sentence-initial root modals and focus. ARF 2019. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Quantifier-Raising a head. GLOW in Asia 12 & SICOGG 21.
Two classes of doxastic attitudes verbs. FoCaL-2. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Strength in possibility modals: From weak necessity to strong possibility. IACL 27.
Head movement with semantic effects: Aspectual verb raising in Cantonese. LSA 93.
Decomposing wh-expressions in Cantonese. CSS 11. [with Hok-Yuen Wong]
Epistemic indefinites and reportative indefinites in Cantonese. PACLIC 32. [with Hok-Yuen Wong]
Two subclasses of verbs of thinking in Cantonese, ARF 2018. [with Ka-Fai Yip]
Expressing ignorance beyond the nominal domain in Japanese: a comparative view. JK 26.
Strength in possibility modals: From weak necessity to strong possibility. NASSLLI 2018.
Defending the notion of defocus in Cantonese. Yue 22.
Deontic modality in Japanese: Positioning the recommendation-type modal expressions. JK 25. [withTony Tsz-Fung Lau]
- Right dislocation of verb in Cantonese - A case of head movement to specifier. Yue 21.
- A study on periphery of Japanese and Cantonese. Yue 20.